How to Balance Productivity and Wellness When Working From Home - Tips for Remote Workers

These are some tips and ideas for working from home and being productive during the pandemic. Learn about time management, desk setups, essential tips, having a routine, and how to balance wellness, mental health, and productivity when working remotely.

How To Balance Productivity and Wellness Working From Home Tips and Ideas

Spending nearly two years in the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to settle into a remote work routine. In fact, as some employers and workers reap the benefits of remote work, this now-proven workforce solution may become permanent for some companies. Whether temporary or permanent, you are now spending more time in your home than ever, so it’s important that your home environment is conducive to both your productivity and your overall well-being. Paying attention to both internal and external influences and making positive adjustments can help you and your family get the most out of the remote work experience.

Logue Online’s contributing writer Eleanor Wyatt presents some tips that can help keep your workspace positive and productive.

Tips to Stay Healthy and Productive When Working From Home:

No More “Eat & Run” to Improve Physical & Mental Health:

The need to scurry off to an office each morning often prompts hurried breakfasts — or none at all.

Also, many office workers countered the effects of sedentary desk jobs with fitness clubs outside of work hours.

While in some areas these fitness habits may still be possible, your remote work environment presents you with opportunities for new fitness, nutrition, and self-care routines that are not only rewarding but can save you money, as well:

  • Feed both your body and your brain. According to the Harvard Medical School, “The best brain foods are the same ones that protect your heart and blood vessels.” Eating plenty of green vegetables and other foods that are common in Mediterranean-style eating ensures holistic nourishment to keep you at your physical and mental best.
    The Mediterranean diet lets you load up on delicious and good-for-you food like:

  • Salmon, cod, and other seafood

  • Dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and arugula

  • Colorful vegetables like peppers, yams, eggplants, and green beans

  • Fruits like grapefruit, pomegranate, melons, and peaches

  • Heart-healthy nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, and macadamia nuts

  • Legumes like chickpeas, lentils, and beans

  • Whole grains like quinoa, farro, barley, and oats

  • Savor your food slowly. Your employer still expects you to maintain a schedule and meet your deadlines. However, eliminating the commute between a restaurant and office for lunch provides you with extra time to fully enjoy your lunch and snack breaks, which is better for your digestion and overall satisfaction.

Take Mini-Breaks Often to Improve Focus:

Mini-breaks can reap huge rewards. A quick walk outdoors a few times a day can do wonders for your mental clarity and focus — the results of which your boss will appreciate. Move your fitness routine (or start a new one) outdoors to achieve both physical and mental benefits, while saving money previously spent on fitness club memberships. Even moving your laptop or reading material onto a patio can reduce stress and increase an overall sense of well-being.

How To Balance Productivity and Health When Working From Home
  • If you are looking for creative ways to enjoy a mini-break outside, consider these ideas:

  • Take your dog on a walk around the block or to a local dog park.

  • Visit the playground with your kids and burn some calories on the jungle gym or swings.

  • No time to visit the playground? Hit the backyard with your kids and play a game of tag or hide and seek.

  • Walk to a nearby coffee shop and grab a cup of joe or tea for a midday pick me up.

  • Pick some flowers from your garden to brighten things up inside. If you have a veggie garden, pick some produce to enjoy with your dinner.

Meditate and Practice Mindfulness Often to Increase Productivity:

  • Meditate to mitigate. Engaging in mindfulness exercises such as meditation and yoga can stave off feelings of self-doubt, boosting your self-esteem and mental clarity. The physical and mental benefits are indisputable and it’s a healthy habit that costs nothing to start in your home. Some of the health perks you will enjoy include:

  • Sharper focus and increased concentration

  • Better self-esteem and sense of self-awareness

  • A reduction in stress levels thanks to a dip in cortisol

  • A natural defense against anxiety and depression symptoms, including sadness, insomnia, and reduced appetite

  • Reduced cravings for dangerous substances like drugs and alcohol, which is why meditation is commonly recommended for those recovering from an addiction

  • Eased physical pain, even for chronic conditions

If you are new to meditation and want to try it out, check out our post: Easy Meditation Tips and Techniques For Beginners: Mindfulness at Home

Setup Your Workspace To Maximize Your Flow:

Make your workspace work for you. The energy in your workspace can work for you and your productivity — or against you. With sympathies to “MySpace Tom,” take steps to turn your home workspace into a “MySpace” filled with the type of energy conducive to your commitment to positive productivity. You’ll find it easier to keep your self-care, fitness, and nutrition goals in an environment free of clutter and negative energy.

Pay attention to the moods and temperaments of yourself and any other household residents. If you see a countenance of worry in your partner or your children, it may be a sign that your home environment needs an adjustment. Begin with a good cleaning — you may find it easier to organize as you go, putting items in boxes labeled for storage or donation to decrease your household clutter. Explore diffusing various essential oils or smudging activities to create a cleansed and soothing environment.

Tips To Balance Productivity and Wellness While Working Remotely From Home

Other ideas for creating a workspace that will promote peace, positivity, and productivity include:

  • Add elements of nature. Many people like to add houseplants to their home office. If that’s not an option, consider adding some fresh cut flowers a couple of times a week or even a landscape painting to bring the feel of the outdoors in.

  • Allow in plenty of light. Natural light has proven mood boosting effects, so open up your curtains or blinds to let sunlight in. You might also consider getting a UV lamp if you live in an area where there are fewer hours of daylight during certain times of the year.

  • Add reminders of the people and places you love. You probably already have photos of family and friends in your office to give you a burst of positive energy throughout the day, but you should also add other elements that bring you joy. For instance, a trinket from a family trip you took or a keepsake your child made will instantly lift the overall mood in your home workspace.

Positive Changes to Improve Your Work-Life Balance:

Positive changes towards a permanent transformation. Even if you end up working back in an office someday, the changes you make now — tending to your fitness, nutrition, and self-care needs — can adapt to any work arrangement. Make the commitment for a positive and more productive you, regardless of the physical space you’re in.

We hope you incorporate some of these tips and ways to balance productivity and mental health into your life. These tips for working from home can positively impact your wellness and efficiency during the pandemic, which is something we could all benefit from.

Eleanor Wyatt

Eleanor Wyatt is a workplace wellness expert and writer. She created Remote Work Wellness to provide advice to the growing remote workforce. She thinks it’s essential that people who work remotely be proactive about their health, and that’s what her site is all about. The resources she provides on her site are carefully curated from reputable sources and personal experiences to help people who work remotely care for their bodies and minds.


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